Thursday, August 29, 2013

Blog Manifesto

Our goal is to provide entertaining satirical and critical analysis of 19th century British American Literature. We want to critically go into depth and find what’s not been normally seen when reading. We want to draw in the reader, we want people to beg for more. Our mission is to have our overly critical satire be truly recognized for how great it is. We want to provide truly great insight for college students because we are literary geniuses. We are going to give you first person critical analysis on everything we read.  We want you to understand the absolute greatness of some of the greatest 19th century writers known to mankind. Writers such as Mark Twain, Charles Dickens and that one weird writer who wrote Frankenstein (we will learn about her later). The life of these writers are known throughout their stories and it will give you an insight of how these people lived in these certain types of societies. Societies back in the day of the 19th century. By the end of this class you will feel so much more closer to these writers and their lives then you actually want to. So sit back and enjoy the ride.

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